
Bi-Monthly Newsletter - 'MVMA Messenger'

Interested in reaching Minnesota's veterinary professionals? Why not consider advertising in the MVMA Messenger, formerly know as MVMA News? The MVMA newsletter is an informative report of the events and concerns of the MVMA membership and reaches an estimated audience of almost 2,500 readers - veterinarians, technicians, and their family members.

Published bi-monthly, the MVMA Messenger includes news and feature stories, providing information affecting the lives, practices, and professional knowledge of MVMA members and their associates. Regular features include columns from the MVMA president, committees, constituent groups, the Capitol Report, as well as upcoming events, member news, CE calendar, and classified ads. The MVMA Messenger is distributed six times a year to our entire membership as a member benefit.

MVMA Messenger is distributed in the first week of the month of publication. Reservations for space in any specific issue should be made at least four weeks prior to the first day of the month of publication. Display advertisements are accepted on a space availability basis and are subject to approval by the newsletter editor. See below for display advertisement pricing and click the 2024 Display Ad Contract link to complete your contract.

2024 Display Ad Publication Deadlines

Jan/Feb - Dec 7, 2023
Mar/Apr - Feb 8, 2024
May/Jun - Apr 11, 2024
Jul/Aug - June 6, 2024 (UPDATED DEADLINE)
Sept/Oct - Aug 15, 2024
Nov/Dec - Oct 10, 2024

CLICK HERE TO Complete the 2024 Display Ad Contract 

 Additional advertising opportunity available in the MVMA's second publication - the CVT Chronicles.

 CVT Chronicles Publication Deadlines:

Quarter 1 - Jan 1, 2024
Quarter 2 - Apr 1, 2024
Quarter 3 - July 1, 2024
Quarter 4 - Oct 1, 2024

To advertise in the CVT Chronicles please complete the 2024 Display Ad Contract.

Classified Ads

Are you looking to submit a classified ad or view current ad listings?  Click here to visit the MVMA classified ads 

 For more information regarding advertising in the MVMA Messenger, display ads, or classified ads, please contact the MVMA.