Legislative Agenda
2025 MVMA Legislative Priorities
- Support funding requests for the Board of Animal Health, the Board of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
- Actively support amending Minnesota Statutes 347.31 – 347.40 for regulation of shelters, rescues and dealers as proposed by the MVMA.
- Support the creation of an Office of Animal Protection (OAP) and a statewide registry for dangerous dogs as proposed in SF1411/HF1850.
- Actively oppose the creation of a Companion Animal Board (CAB) and legislation that would negatively change the current mission and effectiveness of the Board of Animal Health.
MVMA Public Policy Principles
1. Promote and protect the health and welfare of the animals of the state, public health, the human animal bond and the safety of the food supply from livestock, poultry and aquaculture.
- a. Support creation and maintenance of a statewide registry for dangerous dogs.
- b. Support mandatory rabies vaccination of dogs and cats.
- d. Support training Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers in the care of animals.
- e. Strongly discourage the elective declawing of cats unless the procedure is medically necessary as determined by the attending veterinarian.
2. Support and advance the veterinary profession.
- a. Support rulemaking efforts regarding regulation of licensed veterinary technicians.
- b. Support maintaining the requirement for an in-person exam by a veterinarian to establish a Veterinary Client Patient Relationship (VCPR).
- c. Support maintenance of current practices for veterinary drug use (including opioids) such as compounding, dispensing and reporting.
- d. Support exemption of FDA approved veterinary xylazine as a scheduled drug.
- e. Oppose legislation that would limit a veterinarian’s ability to utilize the current AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals.
- f. Monitor legislation that would amend the Veterinary Practice Act.
- g. Monitor proposals that would affect prescription of medical marijuana to pets.
- h. Monitor legislation that would create a mid-level veterinary practitioner and oppose any such legislation until rulemaking, implementation, and evaluation for licensed veterinary technicians is complete.
3. Support the education of veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
- a. Support funding for research, education, service and outreach initiatives for animal health.
- b. Support of the Minnesota Veterinary Student Loan Repayment Program.
- c. Support of efforts to limit tuition increases at the College of Veterinary Medicine.
- d. Support efforts to reduce student debt.
4. Support the success of key stakeholder organizations in Minnesota including the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine, Minnesota Departments of Agriculture and Health, University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine and U of M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
5. Monitor legislative proposals that could affect the veterinary profession, animal agriculture, or animal health and welfare.
- a. Actively watch for new legislation.
- b. Develop position statements on issues of interest or concern.
- c. Modify legislative priorities and public policy principles as needed.
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