CVT CE Pre-Approval Process and Application


This form for Pre-Approval is only needed when offering CE to attendees that are outside (not employees) of your organization. Any continuing education that is offered to staff members is considered in-house and should be documented on this form and submitted at the time of CVT renewal.

Complete the electronic application form after reviewing CVT CE Approval Policies. The application is due at least 60 days prior to the program. If you require assistance when filling out this application, please contact [email protected]. The application must adhere to all Approval Policies that accompanied the application and be submitted electronically. A draft program agenda and schedule must be submitted with this application.

CVT preapproval applications will no longer be accepted by MVMA effective 7/1/2025. After 7/1/25, all applications will need to be submitted either directly to the Board of Veterinary Medicine or RACE for review and approval.

CVT CE Approval Policies

Due Dates and Approvals: The following approval-related items should be added to your calendar:

  • The CVT CE Application is due at least 60 days prior to the program release.
  • Participants’ names and email addresses are due in an electronic format two weeks following the program.

Program Contact: All co-sponsors will designate a Program Contact to act as the point person for communications and questions about the program. This person will be familiar with the day-to-day status of the program.

Program - each program must have the following:

Overall Description and Objectives
Each program must have an overall description and objectives that help attain the goal. There also must be specific learning objectives for each CVT CE activity (presentation) that will need to be included on the CVT CE application.

Type of Programs

Medical Credits: Medical credits are described as being medically / technically related to the direct role as a Veterinary Technician.

Non-Medical Credits: Non-Medical credits are described as not being medically / technically related to the direct role as a Veterinary Technician. Examples include: Practice Management, Personal & Interpersonal Communication, Stress management, Marketing, etc.

Interactive: Interactive sources are described as being live / in real-time, with the ability to ask questions/provide responses. These sources allow for interaction between presenter and participants. Live Webinars are considered interactive and pre-recorded sessions with quizzes are not considered interactive.

Non-Interactive: Non-Interactive sources are described as being pre-recorded, self-study courses. These sources do not allow for interaction between presenter and participants.

All speakers are required to submit an updated bio to ensure they are qualified as instructors of the topic.

CE Credit Hours

  • One CE credit is awarded for 50 minutes of actual instruction time for in-person programs.
  • CE credits can be awarded in 0.5 CE credit units, no program under 0.5 CE credits will be considered.

Participant Information
Unless otherwise discussed, it is expected that the names of participants and their email addresses will be delivered to the MVMA electronically within two weeks of participation. 

CVT CE Application

Please have the following information available prior to beginning the application process.

Program Contact
Website (if applicable)

Title of Proposed Program
Frequency of offering (one time or replicated)
Program Location (city and name of facility)
Event Start Date:                              Event End Date (if applicable):

Number of CE hours requested:

Program Fee (registration fee)

Intended Audience

Program Description (Overall Description)
Program Objectives (required for each presentation)

Type of Program

  • Medical and Interactive
  • Medical and Non-Interactive
  • Non-Medical and Interactive
  • Non-Medical and Non-Interactive

Speaker(s) names, credentials and a brief bio

Upload a draft program agenda and schedule

As the sponsor of this program you are agreeing to the following:

  • Notifying MVMA of any program changes and/or cancellations
  • Maintaining an attendance record for 3 years
  • Providing each attendee with a certificate of attendance which states the number of CVT CE hours and type earned

Click here to submit a CVT CE Application