VET-PAC is the political action committee of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. It seeks voluntary contributions from its members to support State Legislators who have been supportive of veterinary medicine and animal agriculture.

The MVMA enjoys an excellent relationship with members of the state legislature. This has been accomplished over the years by a combination of factors.  We have a very effective legislative team working for you at the Capitol. Their lobbying efforts receive excellent support from the MVMA office staff, volunteers, and members of the Key Contact Network.

VET-PAC has been actively involved in the political process for over 40 years. The MVMA represents you and 2100 other members at the legislature by speaking as one voice for veterinary medicine. 
Click here to make VET-PAC contribution or download a form to contribute to VET-PAC
With your VET-PAC contribution, you will receive a VET-PAC lapel pin and a VET-PAC banner for your website.

Key Contact Network    

The Key Contact Network is vital to the success of VET-PAC. The network consists of MVMA members who have volunteered to contact other veterinarians in their area to ask for financial support for VET-PAC. Donations received are used to support candidates who have expressed an interest in supporting veterinary medicine and animal agriculture. With periodic redistricting and many new candidates, the MVMA Key Contact Network may change. The goal is to have one or more veterinarians assigned to each legislator and serve as a voice of veterinary medicine to the state senator and or representative. Does the KCN pay off? A legislator is much more sensitive to the views of constituents than lobbyists. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Key Contact Network, please contact the MVMA office at [email protected]