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Pet Food and Nutrition Workshop
Animal Science/Vet Med Building, University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine
1988 Fitch Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
United States
Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Category: Events

Would you like to learn more about interpreting information on pet food labels? Are you challenged by client questions about:
• marketing claims versus nutritional quality?
• selecting pet foods
• what are those ingredients?
• how much to feed a pet?
If so, or you just have an interest in learning more about small animal nutrition, you are invited to a petfood and clinical nutrition workshop CE (3 credits). This is hosted by the University of Minnesota Nutrition Service the afternoon of Wednesday January 17, 2024 1-5 pm.

How will this work? Stations are set up in the Active Learning Center of AnSci Vet Med (room 104)
The overarching goal of the workshop is to provide interactive updated content regarding many aspects of the petfood industry. This content is intended for all members of the veterinary healthcare team (technicians and clinicians), so that they have a better understanding of regulatory issues of petfood labeling, market claims, ingredients used, nutrition calculations and some aspects of therapeutic nutrition (ingredients and physical properties, nutrient profile and clinical use).
Once you register, you will receive a workbook to review before the workshop. You can work in groups or independently moving through stations at your own pace with guidance by facilitators. The lab typically takes 2-2.5 hrs, when you read the workbook ahead of time. After completion of the course, a “key” will be sent you to as a reference.
We have limited space (15 spots). If interested, contact Flannery Miley ([email protected]) to register. Fee is a suggested donation of $50 to the Nutrition service.

Contact: [email protected]